Transactional SMS

Transactional SMS are those SMS wherein overall text format of SMS remains same except the variable information passed in. In India SMS traffic is divided into majorly two categories, Promotional SMS & Transactional SMS. It falls under A2P category.

Transactional SMS are in general intended to pass on necessary information to all those who are part of the transaction or known people/group.

SMS from Banks, Airlines, Ticket Booking, Insurance SMS, SMS from Hospitals or Health Organizations, Alert Messages, SMS from Educational Institutes to parents / guardians, e-commerce SMS, Stock SMS related to Buy/Sell transactions, Information to employees via SMS, Updates to customers, Participation Confirmation by Event Organizations, SMS integration with Inquiry form on Websites.

You get six character Sender ID, so as you can send SMS by your company/product brand. Transactional SMS are delivered to all those even registered in DND (Do Not Disturb) & can be sent 24/7.

Marketing content is strictly prohibited using Transactional SMS Route.

Approval Procedure

• Sender ID Approval On request we shall email you Sender ID Approval Form which in turn you have to submit filling it duly. Normally it takes 2-4 hours for sender ID approval. If your suggested Sender ID is conflicting with any other National/International Brands, our team may reject.

• SMS Template Approval Template approval in case of Transactional SMS is compulsory. You need to email us your template for approval & once approved we shall configure in our SMS Gateway server for filtration. Below are few examples of Transactional SMS Templates:

1. Dear Customer, Your Account No. [Variable1] is credited with INR [Variable2] on [Variable3]. Your available balance is INR [Variable4].

2. Thanks. We have received your registration confirmation for [Variable1] on [Variable2]. For further details call us on [Variable3]

Web Base Software Integration

Generally Transactional SMS are integrated within software application. We have various ready methods to integrate SMS in software application. We have HTTP API, XML API, Database API, TEXT2SMS Software as well as we can develop Custom SMS API to integrate SMS with your desktop / web application.